
技术编号:6048903 阅读:267 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

System and method based on network side compilation

The invention discloses a network side compiling system and method, which is based on the terminal, for writing code, and the code and the code associated with the resources, and has released the application library file upload to the server; the server for receiving at least comprises a cyber source, network services and terminal upload the published application files library resources, compile the code according to the received resource of the terminal upload, and compiled the results back to the terminal. The invention discloses a server at the same time. The system and method of using the invention, not only can avoid the complex environment in the terminal building, saving cost, but also can make full use of other network resources, the network application becomes simple, efficient, flexible, and allows users to develop WYSIWYG, especially suitable for the mobile Internet business demand.





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