
技术编号:6048769 阅读:201 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method, system and device for communication between base station and relay station in relay system

The invention discloses a method of communication between the base station and a relay system with relay station system and device, in order to solve the existing technology used by GP OFDM symbols occupy more resources, affecting the system performance problems. The base station sends a MBSFN sub frame, the frame includes three regions connected sequence in time domain; the first region of the OFDM symbol PDCCH sends the signal, second regional free area within the third regions of OFDM signaling and RN transmits the data symbols to return control, determine the OFDM symbol third in the region ahead of time, and send the third regions of the OFDM symbol, because send ahead in the embodiment of the invention in sending control signaling and return data, ensure that RN can realize the transfer of the state in the data sub frame, at the same time as between the RN and the base station data sub frame synchronization to ensure the synchronization of the system.





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