
技术编号:6048754 阅读:186 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method and device for providing and acquiring vehicle information, and on-board information transmission system

Including the embodiment of the invention provides methods, discloses a vehicle information receiving information channel information according to a subscription request, the subscription request information carrying vehicle equipment user information; establish and maintain the relationship between the user information and the information channel; when receiving the on-board equipment issued with the the user information information acquisition request, according to the corresponding relationship between the user information and information channels, determine the target information channel; obtain the corresponding information according to the target information channel identification, provided to the vehicle equipment. The invention also discloses a device for vehicle, information acquisition method and device and vehicle information transmission system, the invention overcomes the defects of the existing technology in information acquisition way single and passive listening to radio shortcomings, realized in the user while driving to the actual needs of the users of vehicle equipment information.





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