
技术编号:6048555 阅读:302 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method, system and resource management equipment for video on demand

The invention provides a method and a VOD video on demand system and resource management equipment, of which, the system includes resource management equipment, internet protocol of IPQAM digital modulator device, the client and the VOD subsystem, resource management for equipment resource information, access to various IPQAM devices and storage; resource management device for receiving a selection request, select IPQAM equipment and frequency in the information resources, the selected IPQAM device information and frequency information feedback to VOD system; the VOD subsystem is used to select the send a request to the resource management equipment, IPQAM equipment information and frequency information resource management device receives the feedback, in the frequency corresponding to the frequency point information on that will give the corresponding IPQAM video stream equipment information push IPQAM equipment; the client is used to receive the IPQAM push flow equipment. The proposal of the invention can reduce the cost of realizing video on demand, and save the frequency point resource.





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