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技术编号:6047019 阅读:203 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Embedded hard disk video recorder integrated with LCD

The utility model discloses a convenient operation, the safe placement of a liquid crystal display with embedded hard disk video machine, mainly used for Home Furnishing, public security monitoring, video; including the machine shell and a liquid crystal display, installed in the machine shell on the power board, internal machine shell is provided with a main board, TV standard H.264 video format drop-down motherboard, hard disk bracket, plug in the hard disk bracket; the trapezoidal cross section of the machine shell for the narrow width of the lower elevation structure; two upper end of the machine shell angle and middle position is provided with a hook fixed for installation. This scheme adopts the pull type hard disk installation, the user does not need to open the shell of the case can install or remove the hard disk; with TV function, do not need to watch the screen can be watching TV; the elevation design, effectively improve the generated partial color liquid crystal display by a narrow angle, convenient for the user to use the front panel, all the functions of the mouse.





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