
技术编号:6046882 阅读:166 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Photographic apparatus and method of photographing the same

The invention provides a method of photography photography equipment and the photographic equipment, photographic images can be determined in a subject relationship between the body, can automatically determine the performance of a multi subject relationship of photography and photography in the appropriate time to perform automatic timing photography action, always get the best photographic image. The photographing apparatus has a camera (12), the captured image signal of body image; the subject position detection unit (12a), which includes image detection signals acquired by camera within the subject contains characters in the multi object based on specific parts; the subject position detection unit (12c), the detection by the subject position of the detected part of the multiple subject of each specific parts in the image, the relative position of the subject; state determination unit (11b), which was taken according to the detection results of object position detection of body parts the detection part and the multiple subject, determine the relationship between.





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