
技术编号:6044404 阅读:373 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Construction method of reinforced concrete open caisson for weak soil layer

The present invention provides a method for reinforced concrete caisson construction method of soft soil layer, and includes the following steps: 10, remove obstacles at the bottom of the caisson wall edge, through the water supply, the water pressure to high pressure water pressure is greater than 1.2MPa; 20, by the impact of high pressure water cylinder mixed into the soil, mud water soil after crushing and gun shot; 30, the mud pump, transported to the caisson barrel in vitro; 40, with the caisson barrel soil surface decreased by its weight, the cylinder caisson sinking. The invention can avoid the use of water through the ground, dig deep bottom, reduce the phenomenon of sudden sinking caisson, open caisson construction is easy to guarantee quality, can effectively control the ground breaking program and position, can make smooth caisson sinking, sinking to control the final sedimentation elevation, reduce the cost of the project.





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