
技术编号:6044389 阅读:327 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method, device and system for transmitting message on PCIE bus

The embodiment of the invention provides a method, a device and a system for transmitting messages on an PCIE bus. The method comprises: a transmitting end equipment of small computer system interface SCSI protocol encapsulation, SCSI protocol message encapsulated SCSI protocol message; the packaging has been carried in the PCIE packets, and through the PCIE bus to the PCIE packets sent to the receiving terminal equipment, in order to make the receiving end the equipment from the PCIE data analysis of the SCSI protocol packet in according to the SCSI protocol implementation of the corresponding operation instructions. The device comprises an encapsulation module and a transmitting module. The system includes sending end equipment and receiving terminal equipment. The scheme provided by the embodiment of the invention has the advantages of high data transmission bandwidth, fast processing speed, good versatility and low cost.





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