
技术编号:6044221 阅读:234 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Visual training instrument capable of regulating and controlling light source and realizing method

The invention discloses a controllable visual training instrument light source and the realization method, the apparatus comprises: providing a light source device, display stimulation of the mobile device and the central control system, the stimulation light source device comprises a plurality of independent polygon display, the display screen of the mobile device includes a frame and a plurality of the expansion device. The telescopic device fixed on the frame, each screen is fixed on the telescopic device corresponding to the display, the mutual splicing form a chimeric nearly hemispherical structure, the telescopic device for controlling the display screen of the mobile, the central control system is connected with the light source to provide stimulation device and a display screen mobile device; the stimulus source provides means for providing a stimulating light source; the central control system for stimulating light control issued by the information display. The invention can stimulate the retina of different regions of the human eye in order to control the progress of myopia, control the axial length of the eye axis and promote the transmission of the retinal nerve signals.





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