
技术编号:6043993 阅读:251 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method, device and system for transmitting accurate clock synchronization protocol message

The invention discloses a method, a device and a system for transmitting an accurate clock synchronization protocol message, belonging to the communication field. The method includes: detecting with random number to the sending server equipment port through the event message request message; the receiving server detection device through the event message using port return response message; according to the message carrying random number, address and port number to determine the event message by using port address and port number network address translation response detection; in the negotiation process in the event message unicast address and port number by using port network address conversion after the notification to the server device. The present invention by the client device will determine the event message notification by using port address and port number of the server device network address translation, the server device according to the event message, so as to realize the transmission of precision clock synchronization protocol message in NAT network.





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