The invention relates to a method for improving the cleanliness of molten steel of low carbon aluminum killed steel, belonging to the technical field of calm steel. The two step smelting process of converter hot metal dephosphorization and less slag decarburization steelmaking is adopted. The final oxygen content of converter is low, and the original inclusions of molten steel are small after deoxidation, and the source of the inclusions is controlled. The ladle slag modification into slag has strong adsorption ability on CAS refining inclusions, cover \slag\ operation and long pure argon blowing time to ensure the full floating inclusion, continuous casting with high basicity covering agent and special crystallizer slag inclusions is conducive to adsorption, from all aspects of the inclusions after take measures to remove inclusions. By this method, the molten steel in the ladle T.O content is less than 30ppm, high cleanliness, good castability of continuous casting. The utility model has the advantages of reasonable technological process and low production cost.
,特别是涉及一种提高低碳铝镇静钢钢水洁净度的方 法。
低碳铝镇静钢有两种生产方法,一种是以LF炉精炼工艺为代表的渣精炼方法,一 种是以钢包吹Ar、CAS、RH精炼工艺为代表的吹Ar精炼方法。用LF炉精炼工艺的方法生产 出的低碳铝镇静钢钢水可浇性好,国内很多钢铁企业采用这种方法尤其是CSP流程的钢铁 企业,如专利号为ZL 200510031484. 7的“一种低硅低碳铝镇静钢的精炼方法”,这种方法 中采用LF精炼工艺,造还原渣进行渣精炼脱硫,LF精炼结束喂钙铁丝或者钙铁线对夹杂物 进行变性,使得脱氧后以Al2O3为主的夹杂物变性为以铝酸钙为主的夹杂物,从而改善了钢 水的可浇性。但是这种方法LF炉采用电极升温化渣,导致钢水增碳量大,为了保证成品较 低的碳含量不得不降低出钢碳含量,从而加大了钢水对转炉的侵蚀,增加了转炉的负担,同 时钢水终点氧高,导致钢中原始夹杂物多,不利于钢水洁净度的提高;而且LF炉造还原渣, 使得渣中S^2还原进入钢水中,导致钢水增硅,这种工艺很难生产出Si含量小于0. 02% 的低碳铝镇静钢;同时LF炉精炼工艺很容易增氮,采用这种工艺生产出的钢水氮含量也较 高。低碳铝镇静钢用途主要为冲压用,有的进行镀锌或者镀锡,钢中较高的C、N含量以及较 大的球形夹杂物对其冲压性能有不利影响,Si含量高对涂镀性能也有不利影响;LF炉工艺 采用电极化渣升温,需要渣料造渣,能耗较高,生产成本较高。大型钢铁企业低碳铝镇静钢都转向采用钢包吹Ar、CAS、RH精炼为主的生产方法, 这种方法转炉出钢后不存在增碳、增硅问题,增氮量 ...