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技术编号:6043590 阅读:264 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Surfing wave power generation device and method

The invention discloses a surfing wave power generation device and a method thereof. Surfing type wave power is wave rise interaction between wave force and water pressure, water gate door leaf is automatically opened, water enters the reservoir, the reservoir water storage, water gate, when the external pressure is less than the internal pressure, the water automatically close the gate, when the internal water pressure is greater than the external gate the water pressure, the water gate is opened automatically, the water flow into the reservoir through the tailings pond, then discharged through a sluice gate, thus driving the turbine generator, when the gate of the internal water pressure is less than the external water pressure, the water gate is automatically closed. The invention has the advantages of high energy utilization efficiency, simple structure, investment saving, convenient operation, environment friendliness, etc., and can be adapted to extreme weather conditions and unknown natural conditions, and has great research and popularization value.





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