
技术编号:6043237 阅读:203 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Juice extractor and filter screen for its application

A juice extractor, which comprises a cutter assembly, the cutter assembly comprises a cutter turntable, a filter, a cutter; the filter comprises a base plate, a bottom plate from the outer edge of the inclination of the first side plate protrudes from the first side plate, a top plate, a filter extending outward from the the edge of the filter plate upward protrudes inclined second plate, middle of the bottom plate provided with an opening, the first side plate is provided with a plurality of first mesh, the filter plate is provided with a plurality of second meshes, the second side plate is provided with a plurality of third mesh. The filter screen of the invention can reduce the weight of the filter screen and stabilize the filter screen, and can reduce vibration and noise. The juice extractor of the invention can improve the juice extraction efficiency and the juice extraction rate.





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