
技术编号:6042812 阅读:335 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Voice separator testing device and method

The invention discloses a speech separator testing device and a method thereof. The device includes an interface module, in response to the user sends testing instructions, test indicators and receiving CPU transmission; CPU, for receiving the test instructions from the interface module, to one or more test module to send control commands, and transmitted to the interface module test index; one or more test module for receiving a control command from CPU, transmission and control instructions corresponding to the test signal and receiving operation, will send the feedback to the voice separator test signals and voice separator for comparison, test index to obtain one or more voice separator. According to the technical scheme provided by the invention solves the instrument parameters related to voice separator technology in more expensive and long testing time and other issues, which can be fast, convenient and large quantities of test voice separator parameters.





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