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技术编号:6042236 阅读:266 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Nano manufacturing system

A system for producing nano particles, including the atomic system, the atomic particle generation system communicated with a gas source, atomic particle generation system and atomic transport system, atomic transport system and the vacuum chamber connected to the vacuum working chamber is provided with a nano hole array mask, nano hole array mask over the edge of the optical alignment system, below nano electronic alignment system, nano hole array mask has laid the substrate material to set the template below; produce system of energy and momentum to produce atomic particle source into atomic particles, atomic particles into the vacuum chamber, support adjusting the relative movement to achieve nano hole array mask and substrate material control system, realize the function with nano mask graphics processing; the invention has high control precision, small scale, processing on substrate material damage, electrical The utility model has the advantages of small influence, relatively simple system structure, various functional materials and convenient structure.





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