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技术编号:58594 阅读:534 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Walking type rice pesticide and fertilizer sprayer

Walking type rice pesticide and fertilizer spraying machine, which is used in rice cultivation and field management in disease prevention and pest or topdressing fertilizer for spraying machine. The technical features of the walking type rice pesticide and fertilizer sprayer is the lower part of the frame has a miniature caterpillar crawling device can run smoothly and a rack frame front and rear two of controllable holding ridge nail tooth disc roller combination device which can balance the balance in the field with the roundabout on the ridge ridge of rice field. These two sets of device settings, operator implementation of pesticides or manure spraying on rice, not into the pool, only on a ridge along the ridge around the pool can be sprayed, the single work adaptability, reduce the fatigue and improve work efficiency.





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