
技术编号:57876 阅读:248 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Mobile diatomite duster

The utility model relates to a movable diatomite powder machine, suitable for disinfection of grain and grain surface layer and short space, the machine includes a mobile vehicle, the vehicle body is equipped with an air pump and an ejector feeding device is connected with the pump outlet, the powder storing cylinder and the flow controller is connected to the ejector feeding device inlet nozzle install a pressure regulating device, pump outlet and the powder storage tube upper space is connected with a pressure output tube, ejector feeding device outlet through the pressure piping is connected to at least one nozzle, ejector feeding device using vacuum suction force is generated by flow controller by diatomite flow controller through inhalation, pressure piping and nozzles the powder was sprayed evenly, thereby realizing the diatomite is sprayed onto the wall and ground around the barn, has the advantages of compact structure, simple operation, the use of a machine, to overcome The utility model is an ideal equipment for preventing and controlling stored grain insect pests, such as uneven spraying of the general equipment, inaccurate measurement, small output, etc..





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