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技术编号:57232 阅读:253 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Inverted T type rodenticide

A novel, simple structure, low cost, durable, using inverted T type deratization device convenient involves killing machine field, in particular to a mouse trap zokor. The main frame structure of the inverted T type, consisting of a vertical rod, a base and a soldering iron, its structure is connected with the vertical screw rod is connected with the base T type, the base is equipped with a hole in the lower end of the vertical rod is arranged on both sides of the nail, nail is connected with a rubber band on the vertical rod; the lower end is provided with a control ring is arranged on the upper end of the connection hole, useful small lever connection line is connected with the lower end of the connecting hole set; small lever on the vertical rod through the elastic connection line and the iron drill is fixed between the control ring and the base hole. With environmental protection, low cost, easy manufacture, flexible and powerful uninstall, other advantages.





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