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技术编号:57203 阅读:413 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Knapsack Electric Sprayer

Knapsack type electric sprayer, a liquid barrel, the barrel body even under the base, the barrel body is provided with a liquid inlet, install the battery and the electric pump base, the inlet of the pump is connected with a liquid inlet pipe, a liquid inlet pipe into the barrel body, the outlet of the pump is connected with a transfusion tube, the infusion tube is connected with the spray gun, spray switch connecting rod and a spray head, ring with bulging of the barrel body arranged at the lower part of the upper part of the base, the outer wall is provided with a convex ring and the inner wall is a fixed plate, a convex ring and a connecting ring around the size and shape of consistent convex ring and a connecting ring end face welding, electric pump cover is connected with the column, a fixed column, the battery fixing rod at the fixed plate is provided with a connecting piece arranged under the bottom of the electric pump is connected to the bottom of the electric pump is connected with the fixed column, the battery box is connected with connecting edge ears, ears and battery fixing rod is fixed at the bottom of the base is connected with a bottom cover, a bottom cover by The fastener is connected with the bottom cover connecting column.





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