The invention discloses a method and device of pollution-free crop pest control methods. The current agriculture mainly by spraying pesticides kill endangered crop pests, which not only pollute the air, water and soil, but also make people eat food, vegetables and fruits with pesticide residues of toxic substances, harmful to human health. The solution is water vapor or steam injection equipment used in pest control, eliminating the pollution and harm of pesticide. Construction equipment for pest control: through the air duct 1 fuel tank connected to the 2 and 8 combustion device resting on the housing 13, 15 is located in the upper tube device 8 fire hall 12 boiling water bile with the two ends of 4 connected, fire hall 12 in 4 water tank surrounded, a heat insulation layer 3 is located in the housing 13 and water with 4, 4 of the water injection valve connected to bile 5, table 6 and 7 pressure safety valve installed in the shell 13, in 1 on the design of the water control switch 14 pipelines, the output end is connected with the water tank hose 9 4, the other end of the air switch 11 is connected with a spraying rod 10. The invention is used for crop pest control. \ue5cf
一种无公害农作物的灭虫方法及设备的制作方法一种无公害农作物的灭虫方法及设备。本专利技术涉及一种无公害农作物的灭虫方法及设备。一种无公害农作物的灭虫方法及设备。目前,农业上栽种的各种植物,包括粮食作物、油料作物、蔬菜、果树、棉花和烟叶等主要是用农药灭虫和灭菌,以利于农作物正常生长。使用农药灭虫,危害极大,不仅污染空气、水源和土壤,还使农作物残留了农药的有毒物质。人们食用的粮食、蔬菜和水果都残留有数量不等的农药有毒物质,这些有毒物质积蓄在人体内,危害人体健康,导致人们产生各种疾病。据调查,有些农民在对蔬菜喷施农药后的第二天便将其收获后投进菜市场,致使人们食用后立即中毒,若不及时抢救,将有生命危险。这类中毒事件经常发生,使人们在日常生活中一直存在着危机感,人们都盼望能吃上无公害蔬菜。因此,解决农药污染问题已成为社会普遍关注的热点问题。一种无公害农作物的灭虫方法及设备。本专利技术所要解决的技术问题是采用一种新方法消灭危害农作物的害虫,达到保护农作物的目的。其技术解决方案是用灭虫设备对危害农作物的害虫喷射水蒸气或热气,使害虫急剧受热致死。喷射热气的灭虫设备类似于理发工具中的一种电吹风。喷射水蒸气的灭虫设备由产生水蒸气的装置和喷射水蒸气的装置组成,产生水蒸气的装置可以是锅炉,也可以将现有技术的背包式农药喷雾器改装成背包式水蒸气喷射器。这种背包式水蒸气喷射器的组成包括输出软管、喷杆、喷气开关、外壳、燃料罐、输气管、燃烧装置、沸腾管、火堂、水胆和注水阀,经输气管连接的燃料罐和燃烧装置搁在外壳上,两端分别与水胆接通的沸腾管位于燃烧装置上部的火堂中,绕了数圈的沸腾管可以是1~4 ...