The utility model relates to a nest tube used for feeding a wall bee, which belongs to the technical field of nest tube structure. A nest of tubes, with tube bottom wall 2 and 3 nozzle 1 which is characterized in that the wall instead of the existing 1 closed structure for scroll type structure, the tube wall and 1 into coiled tube wall; wall tube 1 is formed within the tube wall enclosed by 5 and by 5 the continuation of the inner tube wall outer layer is coated on the inner pipe wall, out of 5 peripheral and overlapping tube 4 is composed of two parts. The utility model relates to a nest tube, has the advantages of simple preparation process, low cost, high yield, large-scale mechanized production; nest pipes have a plurality of colors, the diameter and length can be adjusted according to the requirements of the nozzle wall bee, smooth wall, thick, hard, elastic, smooth inner wall, bottom sealing tube air leakage, wall bee progeny growth strong sense of security, the nesting rate reaches more than 90%, egg retrieval convenient, automatically recover after oocyte retrieval, can be used repeatedly for five years.
世界各国,为了实现果品优质和果树稳产丰产目标,都在研制和开 发先进的工艺和技术。目前,发达国家均采用壁蜂授粉。据专家统计,日本1980年利用壁蜂授粉,苹果平均每公顷产量达3.75万千克,梨树 2.55万千克。美国和欧洲各国为了满足果园种植业的不断发展及对果树 商业授粉用蜜蜂的需要,在70年代初期从日本引进角额壁蜂为苹果授 粉,效果很好。果品产量增加53.3%,单果种子数量增加1 3.6粒。壁蜂授粉的优点1、提高坐果率。2、提高果品质量。3、提高果树 顶部坐果数,减少生理性脱落。我国苹果产量居世界首位。我国利用壁蜂授粉的发展情况,全国每 年可利用的壁蜂数已达1千万头以上,可为8500-10000公顷果树授粉。 全国主要落中果树的栽培面积估计在135万公顷左右,可见壁蜂使用面 积很小,说明在我国利用壁蜂为果树授粉尚处于起步阶段。由此可见, 为壁蜂提供足够数量和符合标准的巢管,达到壁蜂授粉和繁殖显得尤为 重要和市场前景的巨大。现在世界上所使用的巢管有日本机制纸管、美国用的松木块蜂巢、 芦苇管、手工制作纸管。日本机制纸管的营巢率达71.9%,芦苇管的营 巢率达51.7%,手工制作的纸管营巢率达39%。日本机制纸管之所以营 巢率高,主要是其产品管口平滑,管壁厚实且坚硬,管底密封不漏气, 其壁蜂后代生长发育安全感强。而芦苇管口很容易留有毛剌,制作麻烦, 需要经过选材、锯短、磨平、上色4道工序,管内壁不光滑。而纸巢管 的制作同样费时费力,也很难保证巢管的质量。上述各种巢管蜂卵成熟 后,取出费时费力,并且巢管 ...
1、一种巢管,由带管底(2)和管口(3)的管壁1构成,特征在于改现有的管壁(1)封闭结构为卷轴式结构,管壁(1)为卷制而成的壁管。2、 按照权利要求1所述一种巢管,其特征在于壁管(1)由封闭形 成的内管壁(5)与由内管壁(5)延续伸出、包覆于内管壁(5)外周与 其重叠的外层叠管(4)两部分构成。3、 按照权利要求1所述一种巢管,其特征在于所述管壁(...