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技术编号:50502 阅读:317 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Clean the fish tank

The utility model relates to a cleaning tank, including fish, fish tank bottom is concave in the tank wall at the bottom of the plane, and a sucking disc is arranged in the four corners; a water outlet in the tank at the bottom of the concave center position, a water outlet connecting pipe, the other end of the outlet pipe clamp at the top edge of the tank. The bottom of the inner wall of the aquarium is a fish feces and other debris due to gravity, are deposited on the concave surface, time to clean the fish tank, can be caught in the top edge of the tank outlet pipe out, the tank debris flows out through the outlet pipe; the outer wall of the bottom end of the suction cylinder, increases the stability the fish tank placed. The utility model has the advantages of simple structure, convenient use, reasonable structure, etc. the utility model effectively solves the problem that the existing fish tank is difficult to clean.

本技术涉及一种生活用品,尤其是一种便清理鱼缸。技术背景 随着人们生活水平的提高,人们更加注重修身养性的培养,养鱼的人已越来越多,但养鱼需要经常清理鱼缸内鱼的粪便等杂物,现有的鱼缸清 理起来都比较困难,给人们的生活带来了不便。
本技术的目的克服了上述所说的不足,提供了一种便清理鱼 缸,以解决现有的鱼缸清理难的问题。为达到上述目的,本技术便清理鱼缸,包括鱼缸,鱼缸内壁底部为凹 面,在鱼缸外壁底部为平面,并在四角设有吸盘;在鱼缸底部凹面中心位置处 设出水口,出水口外接出水管,出水管另一端用夹子夹在鱼缸的顶部边缘。采用上述结构后,由于鱼缸的内壁底部为凹面,鱼的粪便等杂物由于重力 的作用,大都沉积在凹面处,若想清理鱼缸的时候,可将夹在鱼缸顶部边缘的 出水管拿出下,鱼缸内的杂物就会通过出水管流出来;缸体外壁底端的吸盘, 增加了鱼缸放置的稳固性。本技术的优点是结构简单、使用方便、构造合理,有效地解决了现 有鱼缸清理难的问题。附图说明 图1为本技术便清理鱼缸的整体结构示意图。具体实施方式 如图1所示,本技术便清理鱼缸,包括鱼缸1,鱼缸1内 壁底部为凹面,在鱼缸l外壁底部为平面,并在四角设有吸盘2;在鱼缸l底部 凹面中心位置处设出水口 3,出水口3外接出水管4,出水管4另一端用夹子5 夹在鱼缸1的顶部边缘。




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