Plane aperture lattice case for production, including: plane plane cocoon plate, hole lattice flat plate body is provided with a plurality of discharge of urine or slit pore lattice preferred hole, hole diameter is 4 ~ 10mm, cell density was 50 ~ 100 / M = 2. Slit width is 4 ~ 10mm, crack density is 50 ~ 100 / M = 2. A box to collect feces and urine is installed below the plane plate body. The flat plate and the box body are made of plastic. The utility model creates a new method for large area, industrialization and standardization production of plane cocoons. Compared with the prior art, the utility model has the advantages of simple structure, saving and direct viewing. After the plane cocoon produced by the utility model is harvested, the fresh silkworm chrysalis can also be obtained, the plane cocoon produced is more clean, and the utility model is more convenient for packaging, transportation and storage. The utility model is easy to produce the fecaluria silkworm spinning has been eliminated and collected in a timely manner, and does not pollute the plane cocoon, while in space can be three-dimensional, stacked emission plane aperture lattice case, space saving.
本技术涉及一种用于生产平面茧的器具,尤其涉及一种用于生产平 面茧的平面孔格箱。
传统的桑蚕上山吐丝结茧用的蚕台多为普通的方格簇,蚕吐出来的丝全 部为椭球茧,即普通茧,而非平面茧。专利号为88215038、申请日为1988年10月12日,公告日为1989年9 月20日、技术名称为塑料桑蚕结茧器的专利公开了一种塑料桑蚕结 茧器,其权利要求为一个不同于蜈蚣草簇和方格纸簇而外形似箱的塑料桑蚕结茧器是由簇箱和簇片两部分组成,其特征是A、簇箱由两长两短的板框环扣而成,可以随意折叠、打开、拆卸和装配,内壁成簇架,架上可装簇片;B、簇片上有适于桑蚕结茧的孔格,孔格可以是圆形、方形、多边形、菱形、蜂窝形等等形状,孔格面积为25cm2,孔深为6cm。本申请人专利技术的专利号为ZL 02268321.6、技术名称为平面茧生 产用平面凹格板的专利,公开了一种能生产平面茧的专用蚕台,即平面凹 格板,其权利要求为一种平面茧生产用平面凹格板,包括板体,板体内有 多个呈凹曲面的凹格。所述板体内的凹格的底部设计有排液孔。所述凹格的 凹曲面为椭圆绕长轴旋转而成的半个椭球面。所述的椭圆的长轴为25 30mm, 椭圆的短轴为12 20ram;所述凹格中心间距90 120mm。所述凹格的凹曲面 也可为半个球面,球面直径为28 30mm。所述板体的两端分别设计有榫头和榫槽,板体之间通过榫头、榫槽固定 连接。所述平面凹格板的板体材料选用塑料。已有的平面茧生产器具不便于平面茧工业化、标准化生产,洁净度也较低。
本技术的目的是提供一种可以工业化、标准化生产平面茧的平面孔 格箱。为实现上述目的 ...
1、一种用于生产平面茧的平面孔格箱,包括平面板体(1),其特征在于平面板体(1)上带有多个排放粪尿的孔格(2)或者条缝(4),平面板体(1)的下面安装有承接粪尿的箱体(3)。2、 根据权利要求1所述的一种用于生产平面茧的平面孔格箱,其特征在 于所述的排放粪尿的孔格(2)为圆孔。3、 根据权利要求2所述的一种用于生产平面茧的平面孔格箱,其特征在 于所述的排放粪尿的孔格(2)的圆孔直径为4 10 mm,孔格密度为50 10...