The utility model provides a double spindle fixed net, a net body, the bottom of the net body tie, net net mouth 3 connection net 2 wings, front wing net 1 the rope tied to the set point, the net body for cross cut, cut and divided the net rope 5 goulian. The utility model provides a double spindle fixed net in the net body as lateral section and a net rope Goulian, so that when the net will be cut in the network as long as the separation and the tail of the net body can be reached by the tide will be rushed to the other side of the net body two set points, while a net will the body and tail of the complete network play on board in the net to catch the fish out. Because of its operation method in network than the existing technology more convenient, so each fishing boat management nets can increase and improve labor productivity. The utility model can not generate the phenomenon of not turning and winding, and can improve the yield of a single network by making the net bigger.
定置式网具中有一些是片状的,有一些是兜状的,如张网,兜状网以网口立于水中,利用鱼自行游入或由水流冲入得捕。兜状定置式网具由总纲绳系留于桩、 船、浮筒或锚等上而定置,按所系留的定置点的数量有单锭和双锭之分。对于海洋捕捞, 单锭定置式网具因其网体可随潮、流的变化依定置点回转,随时处于作业状态而得到广泛 使用,但由于对水产资源破坏较大,不应长期使用。双锭定置式网具只在潮、流方向与两定置点连线有一4交大夹角时,即网口的方向与潮、流的夹角牟i小时,才处于作业状态,否 则网口较小不能作业,因此双锭定置式网具是替换单锭定置式网具的一大趋势。然而,双 锭定置式网具在潮沙涨落变化时,必须在平潮时将网中所捕得的鱼及时起获,否则潮水方 向一变,网底就要翻转而将网中的鱼释放,网底翻转即网底的里面翻到外面使网兜的口朝 向倒转。将网中捕得的鱼起获的操作对现有的双锭定置式网具是来说比较困难,其过程是 当平潮时,因网具未受到潮流的冲击而上浮,这时用蒿将网底捞起并将整个有鱼的网筒起 到船上,解开网底的扎口绳将鱼卸到船上,再扎好网底投入海中。由于这一操作如此不便, 使一只船在平潮期间所能处理的网具数量较小,且网具也不能做得较大。另外,网具在潮 水转向时,或由涨而落或由落而涨,网体随水流转向时有可能网底未翻转却缠上翼网以至 将网具因水流拉扯损坏。
针对上述不足,本技术就是要提供一种起鱼操作方便且网底不会 缠上翼网的双锭定置式网具。本技术提供的双锭定置式网具,有网体,网体底部扎口,网体网口部连接两翼网, 翼 ...
1、一种双锭定置式网具,有网体,网体底部扎紧,网体网口部连接两翼网,翼网前端处各有系留于定置点的纲绳,其特征是网体作横向分截,分截处并以网绳相勾连。2、 如权利要求1所述的双锭定置式网具,其特征是有扎口绳设置在分截处向网底的 一侧网体上。3、 如权利要求1所...