The utility model relates to a trench wachi, enclosed within the walls of the main spawning areas, including hatching area, metamorphosis area and the young frog area and a frog, the metamorphosis area and the young frog area and a frog area is provided with a group of ditches, ditches are connected by a transition platform; hatching area is composed of a group of square hatching pool and a channel; spawning area is a rectangular channel, and the spawning area of adult frog area connected by canal wall, one end of the canal and total water inlet pipe is communicated with the drainage outlet through a group of the first water pipe and into a ditch frog area is communicated with the water outlet; the adult bullfrog area through the second import the water area, and abnormal young frog area of the ditch is communicated with the water outlet; the young frog area metamorphosis area, through third import pipes. The utility model has the advantages of providing growth close to the original ecological environment for Wa, is conducive to the inhabitation, reproduction and growth. Compared with the \square wachi breeding method\, with \saving land, saving water, bait, day work\ etc..
石蛙俗称“石鸡”学名棘胸蛙Rana spinosa David,是我国特有的大型野生蛙,肉质细嫩洁白、味道鲜美、营养丰富,自古是名馔珍肴;并具有滋补强身、清心润肺、滋阴降火、健肝胃、补虚损等多种功效。由于野生石蛙资源量日渐匮乏,人工养殖石蛙成了广大农民群众致富的愿望之一。目前石蛙养殖户普遍采用的是“方形蛙池养殖法”。“方形蛙池”面积4.0m2~10.0m2、池高0.8m,砖砌、水泥抹面,池内有水面、陆地,设石穴、食台,安装进水管与排水孔,池上方设网盖。由于这种“囚禁式”养殖模式与石蛙原来的生态环境相距甚远,不利其生长与繁育,易患病害;且费工费水、操作不便,工作效率低,成活率只有10%左右。正因为上述原因,石蛙养殖企业效益普遍不佳,难以形成规模,石蛙人工养殖事业进程缓慢。
本技术要解决上述现有的缺点,提供一种仿生态的沟渠式蛙池。本技术解决其技术问题采用的技术方案:这种沟渠式蛙池,封闭的围墙内主要包括产卵区、孵化区,变态区、幼蛙区和成蛙区,变态区、幼蛙区和成蛙区均设有一组沟渠,沟渠之间通过平台过渡连接;孵化区由一组方形孵化池和一条通道组成;产卵区为一条长方形水渠,产卵区和成蛙区通过渠壁相连,水渠的一端与总进水管相连通,水渠的出水口通过一组第一进出水管与成蛙区的一组沟渠相连通;成蛙区的出水口通过第二进出水管与变态区、幼蛙区的沟渠相连通;变态区、幼蛙区的出水口通过第三进出水管排出。所述的产卵区和成蛙区作为一个区域,孵化区作为一个区域,变态区作为一个区域、幼蛙区作为一个区域,四个区域之间通过围墙分 ...