A dual-purpose bee venom collector is composed of a power supply 9, 11, 12, collector poison controller structure, which is characterized in that: A, the poison collection controller consists of 1 vibration oscillator circuit, inverter circuit 2, controller circuit 3, the power drive circuit 4, the output adjustment circuit 5, the output coupling circuit, 8 timer circuit 6, a blower 7; the output power of 9 terminals are respectively connected with the oscillator circuit, a timer circuit, hair dryer, output regulation circuit input end; vibration oscillator circuit connected to the output terminal of the inverter circuit input end of the inverter; the timer circuit, the output end of the circuit are respectively connected with the input end of the controller circuit; the output end is connected with the power controller circuit drive circuit input end; the power drive circuit, output control circuit. The end is connected with output coupling circuit input; coupling output circuit output end coupling receiving collector, the other way is connected with the output end of the electrical load, 13, a hair dryer blowing tube collector, collector connected; B 19, collected by the frame plates 17, 18 mesh and blowing wind pipe 13; the upper part of the frame are arranged every three root for a group of wires, which are respectively connected with 0 potential, positive and negative alternating potential output coupling output circuit; the upper frame with elastic mesh adjustment screw 16; collecting plate inserted in the frame, located in the lower part of wire mesh; blowing pipe is mounted onto a frame with the parallel mesh, hair blowing out entrance 14, 15 tube; C, which also includes an inverter circuit 10, the input power and the 11 connection, the lost The output end is connected with the coupling output circuit through a change-over switch.
本技术属于蜂毒采集设备。目前国内外均采用电击法采集蜜蜂的蜂毒。其方法工作原理是当电流刺激蜜蜂时,引起腹部收缩,使毒液排出。国内大多采用直流电控制收集器上的正负极网丝,人手工控制电源的关断与接通,其结果是由于手工操作对蜂的定期刺激时间与稳定时间不易掌握,造成蜂毒排量少。本技术的目的在于提供一种自动控制电信号的幅度与时间的两用蜂毒采集器。本技术的目的是这样实现的该装置由电源、采毒控制器、收集器、逆变器四部分构成。采毒控制器能够定时输出一组组频率在80HZ至120HZ脉冲波,波形幅度可调,这样的脉冲波作用到收集器的网丝上。逆变器与直流电源联接可用来照明或看电视及使用蜂业电器。将该装置放在蜂箱口,当有的蜜蜂落在网丝上,它受到定时出现的脉冲波的刺激,随即发出一种和刺激时间、强度同步的共鸣声,其膜部挨在网丝上的蜜蜂即向收集板上排毒,由于排出的毒在外界温度中很快结晶,而结晶发挥出的气味向周围扩散,这时,守卫在箱口的工蜂得到共鸣声和气味,立刻涌出寻找目标,落在网丝上的蜜蜂受到刺激又排毒,这样不断扩大,吸引一批又一批工蜂向网丝攻击,循环作用的结果,在较缩时间内(15至30分钟)收集板上的蜂毒就排满,使蜂毒收量增加,在15至20分钟内可采集蜂毒120至150毫克;由于整机工作时间可以定时,随着季节不同,调整整机工作时间适应蜂群的活动势态;由于逆变器的作用,本装置还可为野外蜂业采毒人员提供照明、看电视、使用蜂业电器,实现了一机多能。本装置的具体结构由下面的实施例及附图给出。附图说明图1为依据本技术提出的该装置的结构方框图。图2为依据本技术提出的该装置的收集器的结构示意图。图3为依 ...