The utility model discloses a high-efficiency shrimp cage. A shrimp cage cage, the cage of the side door and get down to be export shrimp, it must be connected with the mouth beard, in the cage are connected to the inside of the bait cage column comprises a bracket, a support bracket cuboid, wrapped with mesh, in which one end of the end face of a two it shall, in another end has a beard and a mouth from shrimp door, in the fall should be after opening is provided with inverted beard cable connected to the bracket; the bait cage column is located in the geometric center of the bottom. The utility model has the advantages of simple structure, good shrimp catching effect and high efficiency of the shrimp catching, and the shrimp can not escape from the shrimp cage.
【国外来华专利技术】本技术涉及一种笼具,特别是一种高效捕虾笼。目前,人们在捕虾时采用的一种捕虾工具是一圆形网,该圆形网上端有一圆形网口,圆形网口下有一下凹的网兜,网口上连接有网绳,网绳上端连接有浮子。使用时,在网兜内放入诱饵,将网沉入水中,浮子漂在水面,当虾进入网兜中吃食时,将圆形网从水中提起即可将虾捉住,该圆形网全部为敞开式操作,特别是提网时,受到惊吓的虾,随时可以逃脱,即进入圆形网中的虾不能全部捉上来。本技术的目的是要提供一种被诱入的虾不能逃脱、并能将其全部捉上来的高效捕虾笼。本技术的目的是这样实现的捕虾笼有一笼具,在笼具的侧面有倒须口和取虾门,倒须口上连接有倒须,在笼具内连接有诱饵柱。笼具有一支架,支架构成一长方体,支架外包裹有网片,在其中一端的端面上有二个倒须口,在另一端面上有一个倒须口和一个取虾门,在倒须后口上有倒须拉线连接至支架上;诱饵柱位于笼具的几何中心的底部。由于采用了上述方案,捕虾笼内的诱饵柱上穿有诱饵,当虾从倒须口进入捕虾笼内吃食时,虾就无法再从捕虾笼中出去,这时的出口是漏斗状的倒须,进入端口大底端口小,虾很难再找到底端的小口,虾即无法再从倒须口出去,进入捕虾笼的虾就再也不能从捕虾笼中逃脱,将捕虾笼提出水面,捕虾笼内的虾全部被捉,无一遗漏。该捕虾笼结构简单,捕虾效果好,捕虾效率高,进入捕虾笼中虾无法逃脱,将被全部捕捉。下面根据附图结合实施例作进一步说明。附图为高效捕虾笼的结构图。实施例图中1、支架,2、网片,3、倒须拉线,4、倒须,5、取虾门,6、诱饵柱,7、倒须口。虾笼有一笼具,在笼具的侧面有倒须口7和取虾门5,倒须口7上连接有倒须4,在笼具内连接有诱饵柱 ...