
技术编号:46284 阅读:417 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Positioning length fishing rod without rotation

The utility model relates to a new positioning fishing rod which can locate the length of the fishing rod and can not rotate the inner part of the fishing rod. The utility model is characterized in that a plane (1) is worn on the inner side of the inner section of the second section. The outer side of the inner section of the front section is covered with a plane (2), and a long narrow opening (3) is arranged at the rear end of the inner section. When the inner section of the front section is inserted into the inner section of the second section, the outer plane (2) coincides with the medial plane (1). The utility model can also be used for positioning more effectively by extruding a long narrow mouth (3). The outer plane can be ground into several grinding planes corresponding to the inner plane. Long openings can have several.





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