
技术编号:4177033 阅读:306 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method for reverse construction of surrounding beam and slab step type of underground structure

The invention discloses an underground structure surrounding the beam step inverse construction method, which is characterized in that the peripheral inverse for stratified excavation area, and each completed peripheral inverse beam slab structure, the underground structure surrounding the inverse area from top to bottom layer by layer expansion, the formation of \basin type step\, along the regional center is open to all around; the inverse beam slab structure after completion, then open excavation earthwork construction along the central region. The invention improves the efficiency of construction excavation, it is estimated that the earth under the car speed up to the conventional pit excavated fully reverse soil top speed of more than 2 times; accelerate the construction period, reduce the deformation of the foundation pit, deformation is only 50% of similar foundation pit excavation; improve the construction conditions, the heart is open, ventilation, oxygen supply lighting is adequate, reducing reverse construction lighting, ventilation equipment investment.





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