
技术编号:4176973 阅读:223 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

An application security switching platform based on trusted technology

The invention relates to a platform for supporting secure information exchange between trusted applications of a network, belonging to the field of information security. The invention adopts trusted access authentication technology and security isolation technology, protocol analysis and recognition technology, control technology, content filtering and censorship technology to the forefront of security technology and information processing technology, provides a general security exchange platform, to provide security for the data exchange channel between trusted application, prohibit the application of data exchange without permission in the network, improve network border security. This platform is composed of trusted application authentication system and security application two parts exchange platform, the trusted authentication security system from different level, application of trusted security exchange platform to achieve a variety of real-time applications, information exchange, database synchronization, file exchange security application exchange, provide security mechanism of exchange across different security level network exchange for a variety of data. According to the industry application characteristics, the platform can provide specialized security isolation and data exchange system and tools.





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