
技术编号:4176883 阅读:264 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Gold buckwheat polyphenol extract and preparation method thereof

The invention relates to a gold buckwheat polyphenol extract and a preparation method thereof, an identification method and an application thereof. The invention adopts low temperature and stirring dynamic percolation method to extract of buckwheat; then crude extract with neutral macroporous resin refining; microwave drying at low temperature, golden buckwheat polyphenol extracts without organic residues, high activity, high purity obtained. The gold buckwheat polyphenol extract can be widely used for treating various diseases, in particular, can be used in combination with other Chinese medicines to enhance the therapeutic effect. The technical features of the invention using digital chromatographic fingerprint technique to describe buckwheat polyphenol extracts the fingerprint of the samples was determined using liquid chromatography can be quantitatively determined the content of effective components of Buckwheat Polyphenol Extracts, determine its quality.


一种金荞麦多酚提取物,其为褐红色无定形粉末,味涩、苦、微酸;放置空气中易吸潮,遇光、热,颜色逐渐变深,可溶于甲醇、乙醇、含水乙醇,微溶于水,不溶于氯仿、石油醚、乙醚等有机溶剂,通过下述方法制备: 1)粗提取:采用低温-搅拌动态渗漉法, 用60%的乙醇在50℃~60℃对金荞麦进行粗提取,得到金荞麦多酚粗提取物; 2)精制:采用中性大孔吸附树脂LAS-20精制粗提取物,得到精制多酚提取物; 3)干燥:采用低温微波干燥技术对精制多酚提取物进行干燥。



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