
技术编号:4176729 阅读:240 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

High linearity upper mixer with controllable output voltage and frequency mixing method

The invention discloses a controllable output voltage on high linearity mixer, including current / voltage conversion circuit, mixer circuit, amplitude detector, a comparison module; the current / voltage conversion circuit is used to convert the analog baseband signal into a current signal; the mixer circuit for the voltage / current signal the current switching circuit with LO signal mixing, high output linear mixing signal; the amplitude detector is used for detecting the high linearity mixer signal amplitude and output signal; the comparison module is used to compare the detecting signal and the reference voltage signal and output control signal to control the current and voltage / current switching circuit. The invention adopts a negative feedback control loop to make the output voltage amplitude accurate, and the circuit structure of the invention is simple, and is beneficial to the CMOS integration.


一种输出电压可控的高线性上混频器,其特征在于,包括:    电压/电流转换电路,用以将模拟的基带信号转换为电流信号;    混频电路,用以将所述电压/电流转换电路输出的电流信号同LO信号进行混频,输出高线性混频信号;    幅度检测器,用以检测所述高线性混频信号的幅度,输出检测信号;    比较模块,用以比较所述检测信号和参考电压信号,输出控制信号控制所述电压/电流转换电路输出的电流。



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