
技术编号:4176669 阅读:222 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Routing information generation method and device, recursive routing data forwarding method and equipment

The invention relates to a routing information generation method and a device, a recursive routing data forwarding method and a device. Routing information generation method and device, by adding direct next hop address and direct export in routing information, the routing information table to find the routing information, one can find the next hop address find direct and direct export. Recursive forwarding routing data method and equipment, by increasing the direct address of next hop and direct export in routing information, you can directly access the new routing information in direct address and direct export next hop, the data message sent to connect directly through the direct export of next hop equipment, the whole process only to find a route the table can be completed, can avoid again to find the next hop address, and can avoid recursive routing loop.


一种路由信息生成方法,其特征在于,包括:    在路由信息中添加直连下一跳地址和直连出口生成第一路由信息,所述直连下一跳地址为该路由信息发送至直连设备的地址,所述直连出口为该路由信息发送至直连设备的出口。



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