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技术编号:4176433 阅读:221 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Health care camera for household

The present invention relates to a home care camera, which is characterized in that the camera is provided with a household medical imaging positioning device, imaging device with a positioning end support, the other end is provided with a connecting piece, one end of the positioning device and the imaging shell formed by the connecting piece connected with removable. Camera is connected with different imaging positioning device can be used for skin, facial features, or other specialist gynecological anorectal self inspection, imaging and positioning device can use made of disposable medical plastic or other non-toxic materials, safety and low cost, suitable for the daily use of family health care or clinical diagnosis and treatment. At the same time imaging focusing device can be manually adjusted near the imaging resolution distance shooting, smart appearance is concise, simple operation, can be captured image is transmitted to the remote medical service platform, health consultation or medical services.





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