
技术编号:4175827 阅读:237 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

A business server and method for providing prompt information for a mobile terminal

The present invention provides a method for providing business server and prompt information for a mobile terminal, wherein the server includes strategy management unit definition, management and update strategy according to the analysis results, the business link configuration unit definition, management and according to the analysis results of updating the configuration information, business extraction unit access to resources links to the resource server; business management the receiving unit links to resources, and the analysis results of link resources strategy and business unit management service link configuration unit. The embodiment of the invention provides a preferred technique, to find suitable business cyber source server to server resources, and generating prompting strategy, configuration information and version number to the mobile terminal, allowing users to know and use the new business, the intermediary service providers and network users access service resources and habits preference, expanding the scope of business, and to ensure that the user can use more and more timely service network.


一种为移动终端提供提示信息的业务服务器,其特征在于,包括: 策略管理单元,用于定义、管理和根据分析结果更新提示策略,并在预定的时间点发送所述提示策略给移动终端; 业务链接配置单元,用于定义、管理和根据所述分析结果更新配置信息,并 在预定的时间点发送所述配置信息给所述移动终端; 业务提取单元,用于根据业务请求信息获取资源服务器的资源链接; 业务管理单元,用于接收来自所述业务提取单元的所述资源链接,并分析所述资源链接生成所述分析结果,发送给所述策略管理单元和 业务链接配置单元。



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