The invention provides a five color nourishing, fat reducing and slimming fruit and vegetable tea beverage and a preparation method thereof, belonging to the technical field of health food processing. In the invention, haw, wolfberry fruit, longan pulp, salvia, Roselle, jujube, almond, peach, ginseng, dangshen, astragalus, polygonatum, angelica, liquorice, Ge Gen, Radix Isatidis, Ganoderma lucidum, honeysuckle, chrysanthemum, peony, Atractylodes, tuckahoe, yam, 37, gynostemma pentaphylla, aloe vera, mulberry leaf, lotus leaf, ginkgo leaf, bitter gourd, bitter tea, Oolong Tea, Fructus Mume, Radix Polygoni Multiflori, radix rehmanniae, cassia, tomatoes, watermelon, strawberry, red grape, papaya, pumpkin, carrot, orange, apricot, melon, pear, apple, milk, water chestnuts, cucumber, bitter gourd, cactus, kiwi, purple cabbage, purple sweet potato, mulberry, spirulina, stevioside, colored yangzang Jiangzhijianfei tea, honey, butter, potassium sorbate and water, is prepared into colored yangzang Jiangzhijianfei fruit tea beverage of fruit and vegetable sauce. This product has dual functions of diet and health care.
一种五色养脏降脂减肥果蔬茶饮品,特征在于其配方按重量份计分别为: (1)五色养脏降脂减肥茶配方及制备方法:山楂5-18%,枸杞子3-12%,龙眼肉2-8%,丹参1-6%,玫瑰茄2-8%,酸枣仁1-6%,杏仁1-6%,桃仁1-6%,西洋 参1-6%,党参2-8%,黄芪2-8%,黄精2-8%,当归2-8%,甘草2-8%,葛根3-12%,板蓝根1-6%,灵芝1-6%,金银花1-6%,菊花1-6%,白术2-8%,白芍1-6%,茯苓1-6%,山药2-8%,三七2-8%,绞股蓝2-8%,芦荟2-8%,桑叶3-10%,荷叶3-10%,银杏叶3-10%,苦瓜2-8%,苦丁茶1-6%,乌龙茶1-6%,乌梅1-6%,首乌3-10%,地黄2-8%,决明子3-10%,水适量;将上述36味五色养脏降脂减肥中草药分别洗净、切片、晾干、搅拌均匀、粉碎、搅匀、造粒、烘干、装袋、灭菌,制成每袋净重2-5克的五色养脏降脂减肥袋泡茶;用不锈钢锅将水煮沸,按每袋茶加水1-3升比例添加五色养脏降脂减肥袋泡茶,再用文火煎煮28-36分钟,即制成五色养脏降脂减肥茶; (2)养心降脂 减肥红果蔬茶饮料配方:鲜西红 ...