
技术编号:4175522 阅读:266 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method and device for realizing lawful monitoring of Internet

The present invention provides a method for realizing Internet lawful interception and device for legal monitoring facilities to the network access management equipment to monitor monitoring management information management; network access equipment in the target user network access authentication or cyber source will monitor management information to the network access device where the target user request; communication content the network access equipment according to the monitoring information management and monitor the implementation of the target users and to monitor the incident or transfer of lawful interception facilities to monitor the. The invention also provides two transmission methods for the monitoring management information, and a device for realizing the lawful monitoring of the Internet, comprising an authentication server, an DHCP server and a network access device. The invention only needs the simple expansion of protocols, such as standard DHCP and RADIUS, etc., and effectively supports static lawful listening and dynamic lawful listening, and is easy to realize and deploy.


一种实现互联网合法监听的方法,包括如下步骤: a)合法监听设施向网络接入管理设备配置需要监听的监听管理信息; b)网络接入管理设备在目标用户进行网络接入认证或网络资源请求时将监听管理信息传递给目标用户所在的网络接入设备;  c)网络接入设备根据所述监听管理信息对目标用户实施监听、并向合法监听设施传送监听事件或监听得到的通信内容。



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