
技术编号:4175439 阅读:290 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Electrolyte free hydrogen production process by water electrolysis

The invention belongs to the hydrogen production process of electrolytic water, and is a process for producing hydrogen without electrolyte by water electrolysis. The disadvantages of the existing hydrogen production process are that the electrolyte is easy to flow away, the hydrogen production is low, the environment is polluted, and the hydrogen and oxygen are consumed by electricity and electricity. The present invention electrolyzer (2) by electrolysis of hydrogen and oxygen, hydrogen gas into a gas water separator (3) and an oxygen gas water separator (4), partial separation of electrolyte after entering the two stage hydrogen gas water separator (5) and two stage oxygen gas water separator (6) again gas water separation; hydrogen and oxygen respectively from the top two outflow; hydrogen and oxygen gas water separator (5) and (6) lower electrolyte separated into the electrolyte storage tank (1), (9) the supply pump tank (1) in the electrolyte pressure feeding system. The advantages of the invention are that the electrolyte has no loss and the production cost is reduced; the production of hydrogen and oxygen is improved; the environment is free from pollution; the power consumption of the oxyhydrogen machine is reduced; and the energy is saved.


一种电解液无损耗水电解制氢工艺,步骤如下:  水在电解槽(2)中被电解成氢气和氧气,分别进入一级氢气气水分离器(3)和一级氧气气水分离器(4),分离部分电解液后,从一级氢气气水分离器(3)和一级氧气气水分离器(4)顶部逸出,进入二级氢气气水分离器(5)和二级氧气气水分离器(6)再次进行气水分离;氢气和氧气分别从二级氢气气水分离器(5)和二级氧气气水分离器(6)顶部流出,进入储存或使用设备;二级氢气气水分离器(5)和二级氧气气水分离器(6)下部被分离的电解液进入电解液储槽(1),电解液补给泵(9),将储槽(1)中的电解液加压补入一级氢气气水分离器(3)和一级氧气气水分离器(4)中。



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