
技术编号:4175242 阅读:276 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method and device for obtaining adjacent zone baseline frequency band

The embodiment of the invention discloses a method and a device for obtaining neighbor baseline frequency band, the method comprises: receiving a neighbor sent with high frequency band interference state identification indication message; according to the band state identification, judging the adjacent band state; when the adjacent frequency band for the baseline state band state, obtaining the high interference indication message in frequency division instructions, the frequency division indicating the corresponding frequency division is the baseline band. Method and apparatus for obtaining neighbor baseline frequency band of an embodiment of the present invention, adjacent areas by carrying band status identification in the HII message to distinguish the HII message of the band, the HII message is received in the adjacent residential district in the baseline band state, get the HII message in Bitmap bitmap, the corresponding frequency division is the baseline band, thus achieving a small band adjacent area to get a baseline.


一种获得邻区基线频带的方法,其特征在于,包括:    接收邻区发送的携带有频带状态标识的高干扰指示消息;    根据所述频带状态标识,判断所述邻区的频带状态;    当所述邻区的频带状态为基线频带状态时,获取所述高干扰指示消息中的频带划分指示,所述频带划分指示对应的频带划分即为基线频带。



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