
技术编号:4175144 阅读:196 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Communication resource coordination method and Bluetooth communication terminal

The present invention provides a method of coordination, communication resources include: the Bluetooth link clock unit to reset the system clock synchronization of the link clock unit and wireless communication system; wireless communication system query scheduling of the wireless communication system of the unit of the upper and lower line slot; in the uplink time slot of the wireless communication the non uplink pilot time slot in the slot does not conflict with the Bluetooth transmission slots determine unit and receiving time slot is not in conflict, the conflict is not in time slot in the wireless communication system can transmit data dispatch unit. The invention also provides a Bluetooth communication terminal, which can basically keep the original experience of the user while avoiding the interference of the TD to the bluetooth.


一种通信资源的协调方法,其特征在于,包括: 对蓝牙单元的链路时钟进行复位,使所述链路时钟与无线通信系统单元的系统时钟同步; 查询所述无线通信系统单元调度的无线通信系统的上、下行时隙; 在所述无线通信系统的非上行导频时隙的上 行时隙中,确定与所述蓝牙单元的发送时隙和接收时隙不相冲突的不冲突时隙,在所述不冲突时隙中,所述无线通信系统单元能进行发射数据的调度。



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