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技术编号:4175135 阅读:276 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Digital display device for mercury sphygmomanometer

A digital display device for mercury sphygmomanometer by a blood pressure measuring device and a digital display circuit, comprising a fixed plate blood pressure measuring device, a glass tube containing a fixed plate; a storage tank, the fixing plate of the left and right with the scale is arranged above the digital tube, a glass tube on the right side coated with a conductive coating, which has a storage tank is provided with a lead wire, mercury, insert a lead in mercury, mercury and conductive coating and wall thickness of glass tube composed of a capacitor, conductive coating area is fixed, and the mercury column area is not a fixed value, the area as the pressure increases, as the pressure decreased, the area change causes a change in capacitance, the measured capacitance can know the mercury position, the digital display circuit after processing the data, through the digital tube The blood pressure values can be displayed and the same blood pressure values can be read from the position of mercury at the same time.





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