
技术编号:4175124 阅读:269 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method, system and equipment for saving content network bandwidth

The invention discloses a method, a system and a device for saving the content network bandwidth, belonging to the field of communication. The method comprises: receiving a stunt operation request sent by a terminal, each key frame data acquisition for media content to perform a trick operation corresponding to the key frame data processing of the acquired after sent to the terminal. The system includes a supply device connected to the terminal device. An edge server, and a media storage server. The present invention for the user's special operation request, only provide key frames for video data to the user terminal, terminal can meet the user's viewing needs, so as to effectively reduce the bandwidth requirement, between the edge server and media storage server to save network bandwidth; in addition, the implementation can also simplify the media storage server, reduce equipment development the cost for operators to save equipment investment.


一种节省内容网络带宽的方法,其特征在于,所述方法包括: 接收终端发送的特技操作请求,获取待执行特技操作的媒体内容对应的各关键帧数据,对所述获取的关键帧数据处理后发送给所述终端。



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