
技术编号:4174970 阅读:278 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method and system for signaling processing between nodes within a network

The invention discloses a method and a system for signaling processing among nodes in a network, and belongs to the field of communication. The method comprises: acquiring signaling information of multiple nodes; generating packets according to the signaling information; extracting message corresponding to the preset content analysis from the message in the message; on the extraction analysis results corresponding to the preset content analysis. The system comprises an acquisition module, a generation module, a message extraction module and an analysis module. The present invention by acquiring signaling information of multiple nodes, according to the information message, message and message from the extracted corresponding to the preset content analysis, then the packets are analyzed to get the results corresponding to the preset content analysis, to achieve between the nodes in a control plane signaling process and each node the performance test.


一种网络内部节点间信令处理的方法,其特征在于,包括: 获取多个节点的信令信息; 根据所述信令信息产生包括对预设分析内容进行分析所需报文字段的报文; 从所述产生的报文中提取对应于所述预设分析内容的报文; 对所述提取的报 文进行分析得到对应于所述预设分析内容的分析结果。



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