The invention provides a high-rise structure construction creeping formwork hydraulic synchronous control system, which comprises an oil tank, oil pump, pipeline transmission system, two sets of cylinder lifting mechanism and a synchronous control device, the transmission system including oil pipeline branch, branch and oil return electromagnetic valve, each cylinder lifting mechanism comprises a jack, liquid control valve and the two position three way control valve of the invention innovation lies in each of the two position three way control valve has a port synchronous control device connected to the port, and the corresponding jacks connected and connected with the electromagnetic valve opening; energized state, control and synchronization of port device connected with Jack and connected through the mouth of conduction, the loss of power state, and synchronous control device connected through the mouth and is connected with the electromagnetic valve vent conduction. The hydraulic pressure synchronous control system of construction climbing formwork can solve the problem that the movement speed of each lifting seat is different and different at the same time. It can automatically control the lifting speed and ensure the stable and synchronous lifting.
本专利技术涉及液压同步系统,尤其涉及高层结构核心砼、大型桥梁主塔等建 筑施工中爬模的液压同步控制系统。
我国在施工高层、超高层、高奪结构核心砼、大型桥梁主塔等所用的液压 爬模系统曾经主要依靠进口设备。但由于成本昂贵,国内也开始研发自己的产 品。国内目前的技术存在结构复杂,功能不够完善,操作不便及劳动率低等缺 点。爬模系统一般设置两套或两套以上顶升机位(油缸顶升才几构),系统上的荷 载在各个位置上不尽相同,因此爬模系统的各个顶升机位(油缸顶升机构)会 由于顶升工作时所克服的阻力不同而引起各个顶升机位(油缸顶升机构)运动速度快慢不一,累积误差将使得爬模系统轻则出现卡阻,不能正常爬升工作; 重则损坏爬模系统的机构零部件,对工程施工造成很大的影响。为了解决同步 升降的问题,国外类似产品主要依靠严格控制爬模系统上设备、材料的堆放以 及操作人员经常性的检查和经常性的手工调整偏差,这种人工方式不仅限制了 爬模系统的使用功能、加重了操作人员的工作强度,也未从根本上解决技术问 题。国外有些公司应用计算机加传感器等智能手段来进行同步控制,但终因设 备投入大,系统复杂,操作要求高,维护也较困难,不能被国内企业广为接受。
本专利技术需要解决的技术问题在于提供一种实现自动化同步控制升降、简化 系统结构的爬模系统液压同步控制系统。为了解决上述技术问题,本专利技术釆用了如下技术手段一种高层、高卑结构施工爬模液压同步控制系统,包括油箱、油泵、传输管路系统、两套油缸顶升机构,以及一同步控制装置,所述传输管路系统包括 吸油支路、回油支路和电》兹换向阀,所述每套油缸顶升才 ...