
技术编号:4174667 阅读:283 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Mobile phone with data channel with open SIM function

The invention discloses a kind of open SIM function data channel of the mobile phone, the mobile phone in the mobile phone application software card can realize through the data channel and the external equipment data exchange, and can realize the mobile phone application software program based on mobile phone card. The technical proposal is that the mobile phone comprises an external transmission interface, a standard external interface including mobile phone; mobile phone application software interface card, which has a communication interface with the ISO7816 standard to provide mobile phone mobile phone application software card access module; mobile phone; external transmission interface drive unit is connected with the external interface; 7816 interface the driving unit is connected with the mobile phone application software interface card; mobile phone application software unit, built in the mobile phone application software card, used to establish a data channel between the mobile phone application software card and the external transmission interface, and the application of the mobile phone application software card can use their mobile phone equipment. The invention is applied to the mobile phone field.


一种具有开放SIM功能的数据通道的手机,包括: 外部传输接口,包括手机的标准外部接口; 手机应用软件插卡接口,其上具有符合ISO7816标准的通信接口,提供手机对手机应用软件插卡的接入; 手机主模块; 外部传输接口驱 动单元,连接该外部传输接口; 7816接口驱动单元,连接该手机应用软件插卡接口; 手机扩展应用软件单元,内建在该手机应用软件插卡中,用于建立该手机应用软件插卡与该外部传输接口之间的数据通道,并使该手机应用软件插卡上的应用程序可以 使用手机自身的设备。



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