
技术编号:4174255 阅读:206 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Access control method and device in wavelength division multiplexing passive optical network

The invention provides a novel technical scheme of wavelength division multiplexing passive optical network. This scheme considers the downlink growing user downlink bandwidth demand and high-speed Internet business of non symmetry, using the multi wavelength in the downlink and uplink downlink signal to carry keep single wavelength for carrying the uplink signal. The technical scheme of the invention can improve the overall downlink bandwidth of the PON system, the technology and the frame format design of access control and can use a large number of existing technology, the technical scheme of the invention can be compatible with the existing terminals in passive optical network. The technical scheme of the invention is a high speed passive optical network is an economical solution, especially when applied to upgrade the existing passive optical network, which can effectively protect the operator or user upfront investment, reduce the cost of construction or use.


一种在具有多下行波长的波分复用无源光网络的光局端设备中用于激活并接入光用户侧设备的方法,其中,包括以下步骤: a.经由一个或多个下行光波长将测距通知消息发送给一个或多个光用户侧设备,并接收来自所述光用户侧设备的测距响应消息,并根据所述 测距响应消息来确定所述光用户侧设备的测距延时相关信息并将其通知给所述光用户侧设备。



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