
技术编号:4174164 阅读:192 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Split connecting rod and multi cylinder pump having the split connecting rod

A split type connecting rod supporting structure has an upper, a connecting shaft of a cylindrical structure, the lower part is a circular arc a slipper sheet structure, between the shaft and the connecting hole for a sliding shoe plate, plate connecting hole and shaft and slipper together, in the slide boot back ends are respectively provided with a positioning groove along the arc sliding boots opened, with a multi cylinder pump split connecting rod, a plurality of split connecting rod in the same plane, a plurality of split connecting rod slipper arc and pump eccentric shaft joint free transmission, and by two split the connecting rod locating ring multiple split connecting rod is attached to the uniform location on the surface of the eccentric shaft pump, split connecting rod positioning ring in the positioning groove, the utility model solves the problem of multi cylinder plunger pump or piston pump with complicated structure and large volume, has the advantages of simple structure The utility model has the advantages of small size, good rigidity of the drive shaft, reliable operation performance and convenient installation and maintenance.





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