
技术编号:4174152 阅读:575 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

An identity based encryption method to reduce the length of ciphertext

The invention relates to a method for reducing the length of ciphertext identity based encryption method, which comprises the steps of: step a: a key generation center to establish system parameters required; step B: the key to authenticate the user identity authentication center, through to the user to provide private key generation services; step C: a user entity only using encrypted ciphertext recipient user identity information as the encrypted recipient user entity key, encrypts the message, generating ciphertext; step D: the encrypted recipient user using the private key of the entity and identity information center for the corresponding private key to decrypt get the corresponding ciphertext, the plaintext message.


一种减少密文长度的基于身份的加密方法,其特征在于,其包括的步骤为: 步骤a:一私钥产生中心生成建立系统所需要的系统参数; 步骤b:所述的私钥产生中心认证用户身份,认证通过后向用户提供私钥生成服务; 步骤c:密文发出方用户实 体仅仅利用密文接收方用户实体的身份信息作为所述密文接收方用户实体的公钥,对消息进行加密后,生成密文; 步骤d:所述的密文接收方用户实体利用所述的私钥产生中心为其产生的与其身份信息相对应的私钥对密文进行解密,得到相应的明文消息。



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