
技术编号:4173945 阅读:375 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Method and apparatus for selecting antenna polarization and encoding modes in a wireless communication system

The invention provides a method and a device for dynamically determining the polarization mode of a base station transmitting antenna and a space encoding mode in a multiple input multiple output system. Base station multi output system of the first mobile terminal to the jurisdiction of the at least one antenna polarization and a spatial encoding measurement aided multi input signal transmission; after the mobile terminal to the auxiliary measuring signals at the receiver, detection of the quality of the signal generation, signal quality related information, and feedback to the base station after station; relevant information of received signal quality, encoding transmit antenna polarization base station to send the signal when the mobile terminal use and data space is determined according to the above information. Compared with the existing fixed antenna polarization mode switching space coding scheme, the invention can significantly improve the system capacity.


一种在基于MIMO的无线通信系统的基站中用于控制下行通信的方法,其特征在于,包括如下步骤: a.针对本基站所辖的一个或多个移动终端中的每个移动终端,根据所述移动终端发来的信号质量相关信息,从本基站的多种发射天线极化方式中确定一种作为本 基站向该移动终端发送后续的专用下行信号时的发射天线极化方式,其中,所述信号质量相关信息指示该移动终端检测到的本基站以至少一种发射天线极化方式所发送的下行信号的质量。



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