The utility model relates to a permanent magnet for magnetic resonance imaging system, which comprises a hollow yoke (1), hollow yoke (1) surface symmetrically arranged main magnet made of permanent magnetic materials, the main magnets are arranged on the surface of the polar (3), two (3) is formed between the polar image the space, which is characterized in that the main magnet comprises at least two pieces of magnets, wherein the first magnetic material (2 - 1) of the first side and the hollow yoke (1) in second is connected to the surface, magnets (2 - 2) of the first side of the soft magnetic material (2 - 3) and the first magnetic material (2 - 1 second) side connection, second magnets (2-2) transverse width than the first magnetic material (2-1), so that the first and second magnets (2-1) magnets (2-2) composed of main magnet with a stepped edge surface (3) and second magnets (2-2) second side connection. Compared with the prior art, the utility model has the advantages that the magnetic flux leakage coefficient can be effectively reduced by making the main magnet into a ladder like structure, and the structure is simple and convenient for processing and manufacturing.
磁共振成像可提供高的空间分辨率,无限的穿透深度和非常良好的软组织对比,以及极佳的空间解剖定位,因此磁共振成像具有其它影像学技术不可比拟的优势。而永磁磁体是磁共振成像系统中的核心部件,对磁共振成像系统的成像质量起决定性作用。 现有的用于磁共振成像系统的永磁磁体,一般包括开放式或封闭式的中空磁轭,中空磁轭的内部对称设置由永磁材质制成的主磁体,为了聚焦磁场,克服永磁材料性能差异,建立均匀的磁场, 一般在主磁体相对的外表面上设置磁性均化极板,而两磁性均化极板之间则形成成像空间。永磁磁体的磁场强度越高,磁共振成像系统得到的图像质量信噪比越好、图像质量越高,但是,要得到高强度的磁场强度,就必须使用较多的永磁材料,即必须加大主磁体的厚度。但是,主磁体的厚度越高,需要用到的永磁材料越多,成本也就越高。 为了提高磁场的场强,除了单纯的增加主磁体的永磁材料用量外,还可以通过降低主磁体的漏磁系数来提高两主磁体间的磁场强度,即在主磁体外套设一个不同磁化方向的磁套,或是在磁性均化极板的外圈加上与主磁体磁化方向正交的一圈磁体,用以遏制主磁体向外弥散的磁通,以使磁通绝大部分通过磁性均化极板间的成像空间,从而达到对磁场强度提高的目的。但是降低主磁体的漏磁系数的方法,虽然可以对磁材的使用量上有所降低,但是磁体的组装和不同磁化方向的磁体的加工成本也会相应增加。
本技术所要解决的技术问题是针对上述现有技术提供一种在磁体场强增加的情况下磁材的消耗增加不多、结构简单的用于磁共振成像系统的永磁磁体。本技术解决上述技术问题所采用的技术方案 ...